Now here’s a recipe that I swore I’d never share but then again, that kind of goes against the entire point of blogging about your culinary adventures doesn’t it? Over this past weekend the kids, wife and I spent a day out on the South China Sea with some old friends and a boatload of new ones. As a treat, we decided to make a few things to be reheated in the galley later that evening. 1. B.O.G. mini burgers with Heather’s homemade buns (see our old post on Bacon, Guinness and Onion burgers) and 2. an old favorite called “Kenny’s Ribs’ – slightly tweaked and renamed to “Roman’s Wai King Ribs.” Thanks Kenny for the inspiration…and tell Spenny he’s a LOSER!”
Here’s the recipe for what can only be described as OMG Good!
2 racks of baby back or side ribs (chopped into bite sized pieces- ask your butcher to do you a favour)
3/4 cup of molasses
1/4 cup of honey
1 bottle of cheap Shiraz – don’t bother with the good stuff – though a 750 ml bottle of guinness makes for a great result as well
1 bulb of garlic – peeled and diced
1 fist sized piece of old ginger – peeled and diced
lightly toasted sesame seeds
1 Tbs corn starch
Put almost all of the ingredients into a deep pot and bring it to a boil for about 50-60 minutes – during the process add the rest of your wine, garlic, ginger, molasses and honey, stirring occasionally to ensure nothing sticks to the bottom and ensuring an even coating.
Once the ribs are practically falling of the bone, take them out gently and place them in a medium sized metal bowl. Now for the science. Take out a few ladle-fulls of the stock that’s remained in your pot. Add about a tablespoon of corn starch and whisk it until the starch dissolves. Then add that mixture back into the pot, stirring on low heat until you get a tar-like, beautifully rich and tasty, instant BBQ rib sauce.
Pour as much or as little of your sauce onto the ribs and toss them in the metal bowl. Anything that falls on the floor is yours to try…I dropped about three pieces thank God! Now, toast your sesame seeds in a shallow pan, ensuring they don’t burn and then sprinkle over the ribs. The last step – put them on the grill and “crisp” them up – a little char here and there just adds to an already amazing set of flavours. You can make these up the day before (as I did) and reheat them but truth be told, they’re out of this world fresh off the grill.
Happy sailing! Roman
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