Heather and Roman are proud to announce the arrival of their newest addition to the family…. A brand new large Big Green Egg all the way from Houston Texas. Special thanks to Niki and family for lending us the space in their container. Moe and Mr. Mover for the delivery and especially Heather, Mayeth and Kalyna for their patience with me especially when we found out the dome of the egg was put on incorrectly. Grrrrrrr!!!!
A few minutes later and thanks to a set of handy man-tools that we keep for just such emergencies, our new Egg is ready to rock.
Tomorrow, we’re going to have the inaugural grilling…stay tuned for more from the Big Green Asian Egg!
Cheers, Roman
PS – if anyone in Singapore wants to purchase our old Big Green Egg, I’ve just replaced the firebox and fire ring with brand new BGE parts from Texas. It’s as good as new and incredibly well seasoned! Heather won’t let me keep two until we open our restaurant!
Send us a message and we’ll discuss!
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