Heather and I decided that we need to get a bit healthier and the first step is eating better. The past few days we’ve started new routines that will hopefully help us maintain a better and longer life! So tonight’s meal was intended to start a bit of a new tradition…the Saturday fish night. As much as we would have loved some beer battered “fush n’ chups”, we went with a really simple, grilled whole golden snapper.
The preparation for this meal is extraordinarily easy. Buy a fresh snapper and have the fish monger clean it out for you and de-scale it. Take a really sharp knife and score about 6 grooves on each side of the fish and stuff the grooves with a half a lemon wedge, thinly sliced garlic and a pinch of rosemary. Do this on both sides then season the fish with some coarse sea salt. Plonk your fish into your brand new greased up fish griller (Heather, ye of little faith) and put it over direct heat set at 400F. Set your timer for 10 minutes then turn the fish and let it grill for another 10 minutes. Total time is 20-25 minutes.
We served the fish with a great salad consisting of rocket, tomatoes, feta, baby pea sprouts, cucumber with a great dressing of olive oil, white wine vinegar, tobasco, and salt and pepper.
Simple, tasty and wait for it…..good for you! Enjoy!
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Overall Heather Rating: 9/10