Saturday came and went but a lovely day it was… Our friends invited us onto their boat (well not really theirs, it’s Martijn’s boat) the “Wai King” for an afternoon of beer, wine and wings. For our part, we made the wings and brought a pair of bottles to add to the fun. We tried two different recipes and I think the first one trumped the second, particularly because the second was meant to be “spicy” and they weren’t. So, tonight’s blog is dedicated to the killer wings from Saturday afternoon.
So for the first batch of wings we went with a classic honey-soy recipe, but it was the ginger-peanut satay sauce that really won the blue ribbon. This is what you’ll need for your wings:
6 Tbsp dark soy sauce (that’s the thick goopy stuff!)
3 Tbsp mirin (or dry sherry or sake)
4 Tbsp of good quality honey
Combine the above in a non-reactive bowl and plonk your wings in there. Give it a good swirl so that your wings are completely covered. Put it in the fridge for 3 hours, or until you’re ready to grill.
Now, here’s the secret to the success of these wings….the ginger peanut sauce!
250 g of smooth peanut butter (though chunky would be nice too!)
4 garlic cloves, crushed
3 tbsp of freshly grated young ginger
1 tsp of turmeric
2 tsp smoked tabasco
1 tbsp of dark sesame oil
4 tbsp of light soy sauce
3 tbsp of honey
juice of one freshly squeezed lemon
125 ml of water
Put it all into the blender and give it a good pulse about 10-15 times until the sauce is smooth and thick. Cover it and let it stand for half an hour at room temperature so that all the wonderful flavours meld together! You can serve the sauce a bit chilled or at room temperature – but what a dipping sauce this is!
OK, so get the grill up to about 400-450 F and put your wings on. Close the lid but flip them every 5 minutes until you hit an internal temperature of 160F – time wise, that’s about 12-15 minutes total cooking time.
Remove the wings and serve them hot. Unfortunately we had to wait at least 5 hours before we tucked in. Either way, they were absolutely fabulous and the boat was beggin’ for more!
Cheers to Pieter and Ilona and of course Captain Aziz for a wonderful day out on the “Wai King! #gallery-3140-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-3140-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-3140-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-3140-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Overall Heather Rating: 9/10